Carbon fiber has forever altered the landscape of manufacturing. This doesn’t come as a surprise, considering the qualities present in the material that make it such a prize when it comes to creating things: weight (pretty light), strength, and durability. These magical traits elevate carbon fiber into the realm of prized possession. Technological advancements enabled [...]
Polymer Composites Polymer composites are materials that you will have come across in your day to day living, whether you have realised it was a polymer composite or not. There are so many benefits and uses for polymer composites, and once you know more about them you will realise that your life would not be [...]
Composites as you may know are used in a variety of applications. We see composite materials used in many different types of structures as well as vehicles both used on land and air. The use of these materials goes back many decades and there is never any short of demand for new products made with [...]
What is A Fibre Composite? A composite material is very simply a material created by combining two or more materials, hence creating a ‘composite’. Often, these materials will have different properties and qualities and are combined to make a material that has the chosen benefits of both. The two materials work together to create a new [...]